I know a lot of people volunteering for this and other events and I am quick to anger about some of the artists that are throwing hissy fits about one thing or another. I would like to see them go to work, and volunteer taking the time to sleep for about 3-5 hours at night. We have to remember that these people are taking time out of their busy lives to make something fun for every one.
My big petpeves are :
1) Why does it cost so much??!
Well look around you, what do you see? You are in a building not on the streets, you have tables, chairs, speakers, screens, projectors ect... the price you pay for these tables are cheep compared to tables in other places, I have seen tables cost up to $400 for a week end, ya for 2 days. (Oh by the way you usually need a permit to have an event on the street too. )
2) Why is the artist tables jugged? that's so unfair!
Well how happy would you be if every artist table you walked by only had buttons or pictures of just that one anime character every where. Tables are jugged to make sure there is variety in work that is there. Also every place that has tables for any convention is jugged just look at Granville Island? or hell look at craft fairs of any sort. Most place have to be jugged in some from or another. There is only so many tables so we have to pick, It's not that we don't like your stuff, we just have to draw the line somewhere and jugging is the hardest part we all know that we are going to get more people then we have tables for ( jugging consists of many people and votes, it's not just one person in a room a lone). But there is always the waiting list, in case there is someone who doesn't pay or they don't respond. I have been on that waiting list. I got an email a week before, that means I worked that week got my table wears together at night with little sleep... should I have yelled at them for letting me know so late? No I could have refused the table like others on the list ( I'm guessing that's what happened) but I knew that all that hard work and lack of sleep would account for some fun and doing what I love.
3) This is an anime convention why is there no anime at your table?
This really annoys me. I work hard to do what I do. Cos&Effect is a cos-play and anime convention for alternative fashion. there is every thing from anime and pirates. I sell what I do... it's Asian related. My material comes from there, the ideas, the love and passion. To be truthful I go to conventions for Original Art.. ya that stuff, it's the best. I do fan art now and then but my favorite is drawing my own ideas, it should be with most artist. So why is there no major anime on my table is because I love original art and so should you!
I could go on for a while but I'm bushed. I just hope this gives a little insight on what happens inside volunteer conventions and the mind of a hopefully level headed artist watching others from the side lines.
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