Tuesday 23 April 2013

Art, What?

One of the hardest things is having a white page before you and feeling that your head is just as blank. I feel that most of the time lately. It helped to just try to draw what is round me, for example I went in to a cheese cake coffee shop in Vancouver, with a hot cup of tea I whipped out my book and staired at the white page... let me tell you the tea was delishous! my creativeness non, in the end I just sketched the coffee shop changing things before I really got into it. But the main thing was that I put pencil to paper and filled up the page. 

I have to draw two sea monsters for the gallery show coming up in May and this one is an idea but I really cant say I'm completely happy with it. Got'a get moving fast to get it done on time, I'll try to post them up just before the show!

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