Thursday 21 June 2012

Monster Mash

Never order seafood pizza from this guy!

I had done this for my own personal out look on Giants of Main Street. (The book by the way has come in!!! Hell ya can't wait to get my copy of it.) Even though I am not in this book my good friends are so I'm super excited! You can still get a copy by ordering it though Cloudscape! I got to peek at the proof and it is amazing! Go get one! you will love it! well once it is up in the store that should be in a matter of days.

Now on to this guy! I am going to try and take part in the Monster Alphabet! So every week we get a name of a monster and we have to draw what we think it looks like.

This week is Albora. I instantly thought of the Bora which is a violent, dry, cold wind blowing from the north or northeast. This beast popped in to my head he spreads his arms and from that he creates a wind so chilling that things freeze in an instant. He prays on lost people in the dead of night from the north. 

Can't wait for next week!

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