Saturday, 20 October 2012

One down

So I started finely, it's going much slower then what I thought it would... but as long as I can finishes it on time then I'll be really happy. This is the first page, a little rough and needing some more details but it seems to be coming together. I really cant wait to see how this is going to look all finished and in print. I'm getting super excited, now I just have to keep plowing though it.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

monsters, comics, and job hunting

Cloudscapes new book that will be coming out next year is already starting to shape up, and I was one of the lucky people who got a story in! In all excitement I have yet to start drawing the pages!!! I fell so far from my own schedule that I'm starting to panic just a little bit. I guess that is what happens when you are doing some commission work, job hunting and looking for a place to rent that isn't going to completely drain all your money.

Tomorrow after tracking to down town, I'll plunk myself down at a coffee shop get some tea, yes tea, and get down and dirty to start drawing. I hope to rough out at least two pages in full scale.

Ever wonder what it is like to see the food you chew? not me but this poor guy has to...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

long time no post...

I ment to post this up weeks ago but kind of fell off the band wagon of anything related to the internet. So hopefully I'll be a bit more back on track. To post once a week that is for now.

I'm gearing up for anime evolution and getting some more things up on etsy! lots to post about now so I'll leave that for next time. For now we can enjoy this little sketches of my witch for now. I did this at Cos&Effect, which by the way was really good just wished more people showed up...

Monday, 13 August 2012

PaperPlums Convention Rants

Well it has been too long, between work and getting ready for Cos&Effect I have had little time to work on this... manly because I am so disorganized :( Two weeks left and I still have so much to do! But we are working on Fish... that's all I'm going to say till I can get a pair finished and take a photo, they will be so cute! I have some others on the back burner maybe I can get them going to have a pair or two at Cos&Effect. It has been a blast last year and I hope the same for this year.

I know a lot of people volunteering for this and other events and I am quick to anger about some of the artists that are throwing hissy fits about one thing or another. I would like to see them go to work, and volunteer taking the time to sleep for about 3-5 hours at night. We have to remember that these people are taking time out of their busy lives to make something fun for every one.

My big petpeves are :

1) Why does it cost so much??!

Well look around you, what do you see? You are in a building not on the streets, you have tables, chairs, speakers, screens, projectors ect... the price you pay for these tables are cheep compared to tables in other places, I have seen tables cost up to $400 for a week end, ya for 2 days.  (Oh by the way you usually need a permit to have an event on the street too. )

2) Why is the artist tables jugged? that's so unfair!

Well how happy would you be if every artist table you walked by only had buttons or pictures of just that one anime character every where. Tables are jugged to make sure there is variety in work that is there. Also every place that has tables for any convention is jugged just look at Granville Island? or hell look at craft fairs of any sort. Most place have to be jugged in some from or another. There is only so many tables so we have to pick, It's not that we don't like your stuff, we just have to draw the line somewhere and jugging is the hardest part we all know that we are going to get more people then we have tables for ( jugging consists of many people and votes, it's not just one person in a room a lone). But there is always the waiting list, in case there is someone who doesn't pay or they don't respond. I have been on that waiting list. I got an email a week before, that means I worked that week got my table wears together at night with little sleep... should I have yelled at them for letting me know so late? No I could have refused the table like others on the list ( I'm guessing that's what happened) but I knew that all that hard work and lack of sleep would account for some fun and doing what I love.

3) This is an anime convention why is there no anime at your table?

This really annoys me. I work hard to do what I do. Cos&Effect is a cos-play and anime convention for alternative fashion. there is every thing from anime and pirates. I sell what I do... it's Asian related. My material comes from there, the ideas, the love and passion. To be truthful I go to conventions for Original Art.. ya that stuff, it's the best. I do fan art now and then but my favorite is drawing my own ideas, it should be with most artist. So why is there no major anime on my table is because I love original art and so should you!

I could go on for a while but I'm bushed. I just hope this gives a little insight on what happens inside volunteer conventions and the mind of a hopefully level headed artist watching others from the side lines.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Ranting and Book Launch!!!

Ever get caught up in a book and even though it is a bland and has no plot you cant stop reading it hoping that there is some ray of hope that it will get better? I just spent a bout a week reading two books, 50 Shades of Gray and 50 Shades Darker. I wanted to read it as every one was talking about, mommy pron and the best book of it's kind yada yada yada. So I got my hands on the ebooks from some one and I am so glad I didn't buy it.

First all plot! Hello! it is the fundamental of all books! you need a story, yes, there is sex and lots of it some good, some boring cause that's all they do. I agree that it is a D&S book to a point but as many people have not realized but problems don't just vanish or are solved in less then a month ( yes that is the most the two main characters have been together from first sight to nearly all problems solved). The pacing of the book is slow, there is no conflict.. the main girl agrees to anything the man wants with out really thinking, even though she is so post to be smart.. she sure doesn't use her brain. The build up of any form of antagonist would have been great having an antagonist at all would be good. There is no internal conflict not even really internal, no big plot no big bad guy nothing. It pained me to think this was so post to be some great books. Ya right. maybe I should publish my own stories all I need is a great editor as I'm horrible at grammar and spelling.

I feel like I wasted my small break from quitting my job to start job hunting but in the end it is my own fault for never being able to not finish a book. Well enough with the ranting at utter nonsense that I am writing now. I'm quite sure after I post this I will go back and read this and think what the hell was I trying to say?

Back to this weekend I had a blast at SFU summer fest! Lots of new drawing in my sketch book but I want to finish some up before posting and showing my new doodles! And don't forget to come Aug 1st to The Cultch for our book launch it is from 6-8pm and the rest of the time we will have a gallery of comic pages for sale and books of other artist! Please come it will be awesome!

 The Cultch
1895 Venables Street
Vancouver, BC V5L 2H6

 Cloudscape Comics – Cirrus
Aleese Nessler

July 31st, 2012 - September 3rd, 2012
Opening August 1st, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Friday, 20 July 2012

I want one....

Time flies when you are having fun, or in my case debunking from one job before hunting for the next. I feel shamed that I didn't post yet but free of the technology that I took a small break from, no emails no internet just me and my home and Assassins Creed. Ok not all technology but most of it. Still feeling a little run down but here this little guy I drew is helping cheer me up! I want to ride one but not too sure it is smart enough to know it's up from down.

Tomorrow is the free summer festival at SFU Barnaby and I will be there hopefully the weather holds up and it will be awesome. Come check us out!

Thursday, 12 July 2012


I wasn't too sure what kind of monster I could do for the cloudscape monster challenge, the word was Calillux. I had in mind some thing more well menacing then this dopey looking thing but when the dead line came up I was a bit frantic to get something in, more for my self to meet the deadlines then anything else. So if you like him or love monster check it out and vote!

If you haven't voted then go vote! I think Babithy is still up!

Friday, 6 July 2012


Fire Agate is one of my favourite orange stones. The crackle in the bead catches the light so well, giving it such depth that I end up starring at it for longer then what I should. But this is just the start, I have lots of ideas and can't wait so show them. Etsy is almost up and running just need to tweak a few things, hopefully by next week.

This pair are made with Fire Agate beads, surgical steel hooks and chiyogami paper.
They are $15 + Shipping if you want a pair of these give me a shout!

Thursday, 5 July 2012


I was going to post this tomorrow but I thought I might as well put it up today. This is my submission for Babithy, the monster challenge for Cloudscape. I could only think of an old lady for this one, chicken hands and a long neck. She really has no purpose or special skill that I can think of but hey I wouldn't want to run across her either.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Selkies and Giants

I'm so excited to announce that Giants of Main Street is available and you can by it though us! We will have it with us at SFU Summer Festival the 21st and at Cos & Effects aug 24-26th this year!

Giants is $15.00 with out shipping, if you want it shipped to you just give us a shout and we can a range something.

This little Selkie is an idea for a short story that I am working on, I don't have a solid idea on the character design yet so we will probably see lots of her in the next little while.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Strip Club

I never did get to post this, a group of us got tickets for Thunder From Down Under a strip show of Aussies. I had a image in my head of this as soon as I found out we were going and I have to say I laughed so hard I was in tears. The show was ok, I liked the announcer he was hot! and he did strip a bit showing off his superman underwear he was fantastic! but the guys really need some coronation and dance lessons... So here is my little witch in amongst the girls, not quite her type, show some fangs for her and she will melt like chocolate!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Moon Light

 There is no real reason behind this picture other then drawing a bum and a moon. I was going to continue to shade it but I kind of liked what happened. Yes I know another nude picture but it was all about the bum so I couldn't cover it up. 

I did this one a while ago, I used my water colour pencils to give it a quick over. She is my little cute Genie , I want to do another on of her maybe in Photoshop to practice since I haven't used it in forever...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Monster Mash

Never order seafood pizza from this guy!

I had done this for my own personal out look on Giants of Main Street. (The book by the way has come in!!! Hell ya can't wait to get my copy of it.) Even though I am not in this book my good friends are so I'm super excited! You can still get a copy by ordering it though Cloudscape! I got to peek at the proof and it is amazing! Go get one! you will love it! well once it is up in the store that should be in a matter of days.

Now on to this guy! I am going to try and take part in the Monster Alphabet! So every week we get a name of a monster and we have to draw what we think it looks like.

This week is Albora. I instantly thought of the Bora which is a violent, dry, cold wind blowing from the north or northeast. This beast popped in to my head he spreads his arms and from that he creates a wind so chilling that things freeze in an instant. He prays on lost people in the dead of night from the north. 

Can't wait for next week!

Sunday, 17 June 2012


It's time to show these beauties off.! For about 2 years now a friend and I have been trying to colab on getting PaperPlums up and running. That has been my baby for a long time now and just haven't had the time to put it up in full swing. These are Paper Cranes made with Chiyogami paper, it is hand screen printed and made in Japan. Not only is it a wonderful paper with full colour we have sprayed the cranes to be water resistant. They are not stiff as I thought that takes away from the paper aspect of it all, but don't let that fool you! I made my self a pair and abused the hell out of them! I had them on with wet hair, in Vancouver weather ( consent rain :) for the most part! ) and they are still really nice! I don't recommended you do that and treat them with care but they are more durable then what you think!

I love this pair they are made with onyx beads and surgical steel hooks. We will be selling earring like these at and at SFU Summer Fest Vancouver

They are $15 + Shipping if you want a pair of these give me a shout!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Umm Colour...

What is this a coloured image?! well yes it is, one day I will colour more... the top one was a painting for Cloud Scape and sold on Etsy for a fundraiser. I really wanted to keep the wood grain from the cradle panel it was on, since wood is one of my favorite mediums to paint on and also to draw...

I want to keep practicing inking my doodles and so far it has worked out good.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

And I thought I had it bad...

Ever have those days were nothing seems to go right and then you look over to the person next to you and they look worse off then you do? You start to think that things aren't so bad, you could be the guy next to you.

I do plan to one day colour this like I plan to do with the majority of my works, but at lest I inked this one. Ruby seems to be taking up most of my sketch book; she is a bit new for me and the style is definitely fun to do. Expect to see a lot more of her :)

Last but not least I got word now that I do have a table at the Summer Festival in SFU Burnaby on July 21 PaperPlums is my joy in the summer and there will be new stuff that I am working on!! So swing on by if you have time, It's free entry!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mustard Mayhem

I did this for all my mustard loving friends! I don't know about you but some of the new stay clean caps on my mustard bottles squirt out across the room if you are not careful with them. kind of makes me want to do weird wall art with it, apart from my land lord being very upset I think it would smell bad after a while. :) And yes my lovely urban witch put mustard in her hair too, that chick is crazy!

Friday, 25 May 2012

Comics & Conventions!

This is a character I had did while fundraising for the 24 hour comic jam to get the next book printed "Giants of Main Street" It is a comic anthology that Cloudscape Comics come out with every year. We meet every Wed at the Grind for Coffee, Tea, and Comics. We have a lot of talented artist and a wide range of style.. If You don't know them check them out! By the way the next book will be out in the next couple weeks and it is Amazing!!

If you are in Vancouver this weekend then I highly suggest that you come on over to VanCAF! It's FREE to get in!!! There will be a tun of comic artist that will blow your mind a way! some of the artists there are: Steve LeCouiiliard, Jeff Ellis, Camilla d'Errico, Angela Melick, Anise Shaw, Jonathon Dalton, Chloe Chan... there is way to many good artist to list them all. Go check it out you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Lady in Red

Hello! I was sifting though my old art art on the comp and found something that i didn't post up yet so here it is. I will try my best to post once a week with some thing new.