Tuesday 7 May 2013

Earring, Necklaces, Steampunk Galore...

Well last month had kept me up on my toes! I had an art show on May 3rd, that by the way is still on display till June 2nd @ the Ayden Gallery. I also had a table at the Time Travel Bazaar I wish I put these up before hand but I lost track of time and well better late then never! I will be selling these though my Etsy Store when I find some time to organize and post them up so check it out and if they aren't up and you want them message me and I'll post them up right then and there!I love Steampunk, the gears the fabric, nearly everything about it makes me all giddy inside. These pieces that I made are more simple for that style, more Victorian but still work wonders with it. I will definitely be doing a lot more with this... so many ideas so little time.

If you haven't notice I love to make and draw things, I really wish I could just stick to one but I just get the itch to dabble in new things. But new origami earrings are made and more is being worked on. I'll leave those for next time! I'm thinking of starting a blog on wine and food, I'm not much of a drinker but some times I get adventurous and buy a new bottle of wine and if I don't drink it I cook with it! I think I will wait a little before I start up that project and get this one more consistent first!

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