Friday 10 May 2013

Sea Monsters in Colour

I managed to get these art cards done on time for the show at the Ayden Gallery for last Friday, but unfortunately they didn't sell. That being said they will be going up on the Cloudscape Etsy store to fundraise for the next book Waterlogged. It's siting a little over half way we just need to raise $ 2784 before the end of the month. I cant tell you how amazing this book will be or the perks you can get from it. With the cover art done by Laura Bifano we are selling a poster of it. I really want one and I think you would too. Being 8x10 full colour it would adore any room beautifully. 

Back to my art cards, I have to say I'm pretty damn proud that they turned out. I used water colour on my Manitis Shrimp, I have not painted in water colour in ages. My fish was done all in makers and the Eel-mermaid/ angler fish girl was a mix. The two bigger ones are 4x6 and the smaller one I think is 3x2? I have to go measure them again. Maybe next week I will post up some new sketches, lately I just haven't had the time to finish any of them.

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